2006年12月23日 星期六

Open wound

Dear Eva,

The first cut is the deepest and saddest of all. You and me had so
much quarrel and fight in the past few years. The scars left on our
mind has been constantly peeled off and resealed for countless times.
Yet, we still manage to survive and find our way out of the Elysium.

I thought I am already immune of heart-ache, but I guess the
fresh-and-blood of mine still hasn't recuperated yet. We still have to
walk through the final distance to make our final vows.

I vow to have two or more children who choose to become our inspiration
of this life journey. As a second, I vow to work into satisfy our
financial needs and obligations. More important, I vowed to be
affectionate that every morning I would kiss you and a hug to welcome
you home in the evening. In the final, I vow to truly listen your idea
and complaints for whatever challenges we may face in our life.

The premise of above is that there is something in life we have to give
up to avoid the contamination of our spirit. You've made the right
choice of reunited with me, but I am still waiting for the last tear
drop blurring our eye to be wiped out. I am utterly naked exposing the
heavy sediments of my sorrow, but I want to do something more than just

typical chatting.

Please let me stand behind you to protect you from any alien encounter.
